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How to support content creators and influence the local and national community

By definition, all of us on social media are content creators. We are sharing our stories, opinions, memes, poking fun at stereotypes, and now and again sharing effective content that drives people of similar interest back to our business. What we content creators do for business is more than work for money. We support worthy causes, network, and recognize others for their efforts. Since much of our content spans across multiple channels, it can be tricky to know how to support us. Here is a quick and naughty guide on how you can help the content producers and communities/tribes, making a difference in your life as they put out the content and events that people love.

Do it! Click on it, baby!!

Read, watch, and click on their content links. This one is simple and quite frankly a given. Still, you’d be surprised both at how many friends of content creators don’t do this. This includes subscribing to their channel if they are a YouTuber or subscribing to their newsletter if they have one via their website. A lot of work goes into getting people to click on their links so they can get a read on what people want more of, get credit, or paid for their content through click-throughs, and they depend on this engagement to show their content is worthy of distribution with the counts from click-through engagements.

Like and comment on content!

The digital world today is run by algorithms that decide what you will see more of, themes of content to display first, and sometimes whether you will see content at all. There is a lot of content that is paid, randomized, and tested for associated overlap in your feeds that often run before and between the content that the algorithm believes you are interested in. Interaction is the key to more of what you love and engaging with others who like what you do. Liking a post or a content creator's page allows them to reach a larger audience and build the community through their content. Please take a moment to like my public page as well.

Commenting and liking allows that algorithm to include the content you are interested in and supporting the content creator not to have to pay more for you to enjoy their content. When you like posts, please use the heart to give the extra bump with that algorithmic critic. This helps to ensure that posts from the creator stay in your feed and are prioritized higher than ads and memes displayed in both yours, and others' potential feed options. Since I instruct others on hypnosis, influence, and relational kink, I’d like to impart the social capital you can acquire as you share this content with others.

There are four types of Social Capital that are communicated and developed through digital and face to face interactions with others as you share what you love about your favorite topics and content.

Bonding Capital - used among family and close friends to reinforce existing relationships through shared experiences, ideas, and thematic narratives.

Bridging Capital - used among acquaintances to become closer to people through shared experiences, ideas, and thematic narratives.

Linking Capital - used among individuals that have access to quality resources and contacts to learn more or take action.

Identifying Capital - used among groups with shared beliefs and interests to be recognized, known, and representing mutually shared experiences, ideas, strivings, and thematic narratives of the group.

Actively engaging in a lifestyle and subject matter/ culture means you’ll be engaging with conversational topics and people. Engaging in relevant conversation on this subject matter will encourage you to learn and meet others interested in what you are. Soon you’ll find yourself in the company of experienced, skilled, and exciting individuals much more often. Don’t shy away from people whose company you enjoy and who can help you evolve. Our relationships impart knowledge about the world, our place in it, and what to expect and accept for our future. In looking at our relationships in this way, every relaxing afternoon or night out with friends becomes a unique learning experience that encourages us to explore and defines us. Many people today struggle to be aware of their own stories, never mind fully recognizing the stories of people that surround them every day. That is why the bulk of our work and stress often goes unnoticed. The challenges we may believe are open and apparent can remain behind the scenes as those around us are doing their best to get ahead or tread water.

Repost and Share

Thought a post was especially aesthetically pleasing? Liked the message of my last blog post? Did something I shared in my repost comments really resonate with you? Please share it! Repost it on your stories! Whatever it is that you can do to share this content with others who will also appreciate it. Doing this allows you to stand on the shoulders of giants because you can synthesize the work, messages, and ideas and share it with people locally and internationally that may have never discovered this content without you. As a content creator, I pay a lot to reach you. I get excited about people getting excited about my work and content. That excitement encourages new products, new content, and new projects to develop the community and culture. My success is our success. Hearting posts, clicking on links, sharing content, and commenting with encouraging and thought provoking captions also establishes you as a contributor to our work. We really can’t do this without you. Most of us can’t compete with big corporations marketing budgets of millions of dollars a year, but we don’t have to when we are able to engage the community. Sharing your interests and encouraging content creators allows them to develop content that empowers you to share this content. If you take nothing else away from this, remember that your interaction strengthens and defines this culture. Content that has been developed through a grassroots participation economy thrives because it empowers the community and is empowered by the community.

Give credit where credit is due

If you have read my books, you will notice I refer people to content, people, and ideas that build on what I am sharing. I also do my best to share professionally done content by other credible content creators that isn’t crap and pushed out after faking their death. Some products and people can be shitty, and they can be wonderful. As we share our work with the community, we build up contacts and networks of people who do unique and extraordinary things every day, but often go unnoticed in the broader communities. Each year I share the Annual Agent of Influence Awards to highlight these efforts within the local and national communities of relational kink, BDSM, hypnosis, and influence. You can learn more about these efforts and how to participate for November and December of 2020 here. This year I will be working with N.O.B.L.E. as a neutral party to award members of our local community. In bestowing this award to key members of our community, I'd like to announce that this effort will also establish the Noble Petition Fund. The Noble Petition Fund will allow members of good standing to petition the leadership of N.O.B.L.E. to get assistance with fees associated with attending virtual or in-person events. This award process will encourage more people to participate in the ongoing events, thereby opening up minds, hearts, and experiences to feel part of this diverse community. This is your chance to be part of the local and international efforts to further this knowledge, participation, and culture. Please consider bestowing an Agent of Influence Award on someone in your community that contributed to relational kink, BDSM, hypnosis, and influence in 2020.

Thank you for reading this post and supporting content creators. Use what you have learned here because, over time, these efforts change the culture of the internet, change minds, open up new expressions in media, and serve to offer new opportunities and adventures that we all can explore.

Joseph Crown

My work is created to interact with those that enjoy themes of hypnosis, influence, and power exchange. Please share them as this brings others attracted to these themes into our circle. These words were created with passion, kindness, and appreciation in order to share what I enjoy with those seeking the right fit, together. That's just part of the benefit and pleasure of sharing. It also makes me happy. :> Seek the Tao of the Crown!

Like my content? Buy me a coffee and become a patron of the hypnotic arts! It'll only encourage my adventures!

Joseph W Crown Network with me on FetLife: Master-Crown Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few.

Private discussion and development group

You can find Instruction of The Hypno Dom: A Master/slave Lifestyle Development Training on Erotic and Authoritarian Hypnosis live on amazon at

Paperback Version

Seek with your passion, and journey with a welcoming heart and grateful spirit. We are all unknowing seekers who bring with us stories describing the path we've tread. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at Paperback Version

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