I worked on the following hypnotic conditioning piece to be part of a larger Mind Control themed channel. It's looking like that is not going to be released due to COVID from my partners so I am sharing this here. I'm really not sure that I will continue along this line to take over the project. This basic module will allow a person to establish a programmatic line of themed mind control units to be downloaded. This module here states it's purpose below and is a draft that is ready to be recorded. I may do that later, but I will also encourage my fellow MCs' to take up the gift and make it your own. Remember to invite me to participate and share credit where credit is due. Perhaps I will find a kinky partner seeking to take the lead on this. This is shared for informational use only. Should you use this you'll be making the choice to do so. Use it at your own risk.
If this is your first time finding a mind control post like this read the description carefully before continuing with the inductive start below. Look the whole piece over to ensure you are comfortable.
Plug in Welcome to the Center. This session is about to begin. Your connection is established wirelessly with seamless direct synaptic interface.
Connect to server Connection to the server is in progress. You may notice a cursor or an odd thought as your awareness and behavioral functions are put into sleep mode, and will be updated upon completion of the session.
Selection module *beep*/*whirring* The architect has approved the selected module for download. .... Commencing *ping*
Developer introduction Hello I'll be your developer for this session. We are about to undertake ....
Describe module This module will perform
Set module expectations Output goal: install channel guide and secure connection
You have been selected for the Relational Flow programming. This command-line programming allows for background processing to train executive processing with continuous synchronized tweaks from operators. Let’s get comfortable as the code propagates.
Have you ever been out on a hot day and seen the shimmer hovering above the road? The radiant energy usually invisible to the naked eye but because of intensity of temperature, you can begin to see the swirling that moves around us. Closing your eyes you may start to see the swirling energy move as the intensity is building inside you. This is also how induction motors works. They operate on the principle of induction where the electro-magnetic field is shifted down into the rotor, as the shift happens the rotating magnetic field cuts off the stationary field. The energy that was once seemingly isolated is more easily experienced as it spins as part of the others. Induction machines are by far the most common type of motor used by our operators or in residential settings today… The cycling, swirling, is regular, like a heartbeat, like breathing…
Inductive start...
Some people think of the flickering of flames. It’s like being taken back into a distant time. As you continue relaxing, I want you to use your imagination. Imagine yourself on a beach at dusk. You have brought some things to this beach with you. You brought some wood for a fire, which you’ve arranged in a pit in the sand, and it’s ready to light. You’ve brought your comfortable beach chair. You’ve brought a special box with you. It’s a very strong box with a very secure lock on it. The sun has just gone down, and it is warm outside, and you’re sitting in your very comfortable beach chair. You continue feeling more relaxed, more peaceful, more at ease…. And after a while, you can find your conscious mind drifting off… You go into a daydream like state. You've had that, haven't you, when you get home, like letting it all go after a long, hard day… We're establishing a similar "day-dream" place now… You will always be able to hear my voice even when you can't hear anything else. It really is the most natural thing in the world and we all go into this inner space… and come out again, and go into trance again, countless times throughout as we adjust the frequencies and depth.
Going deep just like the vast depths of the ocean. Look out over the ocean now, and take in the beauty of the sky just after sunset. You’ve prepared your fire on this beach, and now that the sun is down, it’s time to light it. You take out a match, and light the small kindling underneath the logs, and it begins to crackle and spark. Right now I want you to make sure you open your eyes. Now, close your eyes. Close your eyes, feeling the sensations in your body moving deeper into relaxation… keep them closed for 3 or 4 seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4. Open your eyes.
I’d like you to recall a room you are very familiar with. Imagine every detail in that room: the floor, the shape of the windows, the painting on the wall, the smell, the light…. Move through that room... pick things up and feel their weight… Good… Now, close your eyes. Close your eyes, feeling the sensations in your body moving deeper each time into relaxation… keep them closed for 3 or 4 seconds. 1, 2, 3, 4. Open your eyes.
Notice the quality of light surrounding you as it may feel as if its been turned up quickly… both darkness and light can seem “almost too bright”. Where you can’t make out a thing… Close your eyes, feeling the sensations in your body moving deeper each time into relaxation… As the fire ignites, it bursts into flames, wood pops, and sparks fly in all directions, carried on the breeze and the smoke of the fire rising quickly. Watch it spin in the air… The fire begins to warm you, and now you’re just the perfect temperature, all warm and toasty inside, calm and relaxed. And as the warmth relaxes you, the kindling in the fire is getting used up, and the flames are dying down… I’m turn the brightness down slowly to the “comfortable” level, they’re dying down as the kindling is used up, and now the flames are on the logs, not rising and crackling as much as they were before.
Open your eyes. Now, close your eyes. Close your eyes, feeling the sensations in your body moving deeper into relaxation… going deeper than ever before… I’d want you to move onto a room where you are less familiar… get familiar with all that is present within that room. Imagine every detail in that room: the floor, the shape of the windows, the painting on the wall, the smell, the light…. Move through that room... pick things up and feel their weight… Good… This is the seven wonders of the world for a Syth. To see, to hear, to taste, to feel, to laugh, and to love their service. Your time here with me allow you to respond more completely… you will experience wonder… you will love your service…
Come back to the fire now… As you look into the fire, notice the way the flames clings to the logs and then lets go. Look at all the colors... Notice the logs beginning to glow with embers… the way the smoke rises, and curls into the air. Whatever you see in the fire brings you peace…and calm…and relaxation. Now in this space stand up… stand up and really become aware of what you see in front of you…. Now, settle back down…. Go even deeper… deeper than ever before…. Take a deep breath… and let it go… now stand up in this space… really listen to the sounds around you… bringing you comfort… …. Now, settle back down…. Go even deeper… deeper than ever before…. Take a deep breath… and let it go… now stand up in this space… smell the smoke as it drifts away from you…. The breeze moving softly, slowly, across your skin… Now, settle back down…. Go even deeper… deeper than ever before…. Take a deep breath… and let it go… now stand up in this space… lick your lips tasting the salty from the water… relaxing you… Now, settle back down…. Go even deeper… deeper than ever before…. Take a deep breath… and let it go…I’m adjusting the background at a rate between 25 Hz and 13 Hz as I take you deeper, ending up at a final rate of 13.
Coming back to the warmth of the fire… there is a box there… When you’re ready now, pick up your box. Pick up your box and raise the strong and heavy lid. Raise the lid of your box and place inside the box any concerns or emotions or thoughts about your day. Taking all the effort necessary for you to do this… and go deeper each and every time… Place inside the box any troubles, stress, or worries you may have. Place all these things, and any other thoughts or feelings or concerns that might get in the way of your total and peaceful conditioning… place all these things into the box, and close the strong and heavy lid. Close the lid of your box, and lock the box. Lock the box and place it on the sand where it is out of your sight. Place it on the ground, and sit back in your comfortable beach chair and relax. It's relaxing just thinking about it, isn't it?
Good… Open your eyes… Now, close your eyes. Close your eyes, feeling the sensations in your body moving deeper into relaxation… going deeper than ever before… closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths almost takes you straight back there, doesn't it? That’s right…Your time here with me allow you to respond more completely… you will experience wonder… you will love your service…
Looking into this fire, some memories begin to rise as the programming comes in. You might be reminded of a special experience you once had around a campfire. You might recall sitting in front of a fireplace with a special person. You might recall those other unique moments when you felt connected to nature, relaxed, comfortable, safe and warm. You might recall a thousand other memories where these feelings stirred your soul. It’s so peaceful here on this beach, in front of this fire. As you let it all go… your mind can open more, and more, to these peaceful and relaxing places you've been before. Bringing only the best of these qualities with you… to our place… to this fire…
You love to watch the fire rise and fall back again. The flames sometimes flick upwards, and sometimes settle downwards. As the fire burns down, and the logs begin to glow… You notice the flames pulsing more slowly now… This is just the programming that you are enjoying, right now. The flames are slowing down, the best of all this…. slowing down inside… and slowing you down with them.
You may smell the scent of the wood, the smoke, the ocean, or the scent of the air, and these scents mix perfectly to make an aroma that soothes and relaxes you. You’re feeling at one with nature now, at one with yourself, at one with everything, at peace and relaxed, just sinking into your comfortable beach chair, and gazing into the fire. You’re doing so well…
As you gaze into this fire, you begin to become entranced by the beauty of the light. You’re becoming entranced by the sparks arching up into the sky, by the embers glowing beneath the flames, by the dancing patterns of light and dark. Feeling warm. Feeling comfortable. Feeling relaxed and safe…. Adjusting the frequency to 13 Hz now… Now we are about to move back in the other direction… taking them slowly back to Hz.
You feel yourself drifting as you watch the flames, the smaller flames, lightly running over the logs, slowing down, keeping you warm. As they slow, your mind quiets, and the memories are coming slower now. Everything is coming to you slower now, and your conscious mind is paying less attention. Your unconscious mind begins to fill with wonder. Commands lines are responding… notice the sensations within your body… within the thoughts… Open your eyes… … Now, close your eyes. Close your eyes, feeling the sensations in your body moving deeper into relaxation… going deeper than ever before… closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths almost takes you straight back there, doesn't it? That’s right…Your time here with me allow you to respond more completely… you will experience wonder… you will love your service… you can feel the warmth of the fire on your body... in this space close your eyes…. You’ll be tempted to go deeper… not yet… You can see the flickering of the fire even behind your closed eyelids. Your mind is letting go, now, letting go and drifting, drifting away, becoming quiet inside, all the voices of your conscious mind drifting away.
Your daily mind is nearly asleep now. Your unconscious mind is awake, and alert, listening to every word I am saying to you, and fully engaging with the programming. Your unconscious mind, awake, alert, listening, while your everyday mind relaxes, lets go, drifts away... You’re melting into the chair. Perfectly relaxed. Perfectly comfortable.
Your unconscious mind is listening to the sound of my voice. I’m going to count from 1 to 10 now, and when I reach the count of 10, your conscious mind will be completely asleep, and your unconscious mind will be alert and listening to everything that I’m saying. 1. Your body sinks deeper into the chair. 2. Your head sinks deeper into the chair. 3. Your daily, conscious mind lets go of any thoughts. 4. Your body is completely limp and relaxed. 5. Going deeper. 6. So relaxed now. 7. Your unconscious is listening only to the sound of my voice. 8. Conscious mind asleep. 9. Unconscious mind alert. 10. Perfectly relaxed. 10. 10. 10. Feel wonderful. Feel refreshed. Install is complete. Rate is now at .3 Hz. Stepping down to .2 Hz as I install back channel communication and support.
Now I’m going to count one more number. I’m going to count one more number, and when I do, we’ll open a special access channel to your unconscious mind. You’ll open a channel directly from your ears to your unconscious mind so that every suggestion, preference, or command I give you will sink deep into your unconscious mind. Oh, let’s set this higher… .5Hz for now. I love a responsive Syth… And in a moment, you may notice a change in the flickering of the light on your closed eyes, and this will open the channel directly to your unconscious mind.
Switching to expand mode… at .4, .5, .7… at .9Hz… Adjusting awareness, sensation… .5Hz…. Opening a channel from your ears straight to your unconscious mind. at .4, .5, .7… at .9Hz… Adjusting awareness, sensation… .5Hz…. Good… This is the seven wonders of the world for a Syth. To see, to hear, to taste, to feel, to laugh, and to love their service. Your time here with me allow you to respond more completely… you will experience wonder… you will love your service… Continue to train to follow commands perfectly…
Coming Back
Now you’ve received all of the programming, assistance, and support that you have been signed in for today. You have received all that you need, and you’re ready to come back to the beach, back to the fire, back to your life. Practice right responses… Love your service… practice again, and go deeper… we are developing the channel we opened to your unconscious mind. When you do this, you’ll notice a change in the flickering of the light. You may notice a switch back from this Focus Mode.
In a moment, I’m going to count from 10 to 1, and when I reach the number 1, your conscious mind will be completely awake, alert, and rejuvenated. Frequency rate announcement is now muted…
I’m going to count now. 10. You’re beginning to feel sensations in your body again. Beginning to notice how your body is feeling against the chair. 9. Beginning to become more aware of your surroundings. Slowly becoming aware of your breath. 8. Becoming aware of the your thoughts again. Listening to the sounds in the room around us. 7. Your conscious mind is waking up. 6. Coming up, noticing the thoughts of your conscious mind as you return. 5. Hearing everything around you now. 4. Rising up and feeling great. Rising up to consciousness and become aware. 3. Feeling very alert now, very alert and attentive. Taking a few deep breaths. 2. Feeling rejuvenated, awake, alert, almost ready to open your eyes. And totally ready to awaken, as the last flames of your fire go out, leaving only embers. 1. Operator signing out, muting channel… Totally awake now. 1. Totally refreshed and alive and rejuvenated. 1.
When ready, take off headphones and open your eyes. Just sit there for a while and get used to being awake. Don’t try to stand up right away.
Next session will transition you to the white room.
End module
Disconnect from server
Joseph Crown
My work is created to interact with those that enjoy themes of hypnosis, influence, and power exchange. Please share them as this brings others attracted to these themes into our circle. These words were created with passion, kindness, and appreciation in order to share what I enjoy with those seeking the right fit, together. That's just part of the benefit and pleasure of sharing. It also makes me happy. :> Seek the Tao of the Crown!
Like my content? Buy me a coffee and become a patron of the hypnotic arts! It'll only encourage my adventures!
Joseph W Crown crownhouseone@gmail.com Network with me on FetLife: Master-Crown Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few.
Private discussion and development group
You can find Instruction of The Hypno Dom: A Master/slave Lifestyle Development Training on Erotic and Authoritarian Hypnosis live on amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RNHLFKS
Paperback Version https://www.amazon.com/dp/1097967212
Seek with your passion, and journey with a welcoming heart and grateful spirit. We are all unknowing seekers who bring with us stories describing the path we've tread. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL Paperback Version https://goo.gl/HJ1OUo
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