This story was created to read for a Fetlfe event on April 4, 2020. My work is created to interact with those that enjoy themes of hypnosis, influence, and power exchange. Please share them as this brings others attracted to these themes into our circle. These words were created with passion, kindness, and appreciation in order to share what I enjoy with those seeking the right fit, together. That's just part of the benefit and pleasure of sharing. It also makes me happy. :> Seek the Tao of the Crown!
Like my content? Buy me a coffee and become a patron of the hypnotic arts!
You can find Instruction of The Hypno Dom: A Master/slave Lifestyle Development Training on Erotic and Authoritarian Hypnosis live on amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RNHLFKS
Brief Overview
Non Consensual consent with a Tist take a person through a programming state. This story set up the command to renter a trance state without their memory. Each time the state is renetered through the subject stating their consent. While there are many hypnotic components here I do not consider it anything more than a hypnotic story. There pieces utilized for individual feedback and intensification have not been included so that this stands as a story. You may listen to my reading of this piece while the file is up. Thanks!
OK, my dear volunteer. Just sit back and make yourself comfortable. There are just a couple of things we have to talk about. I’ve marked the interesting ones that I saw you react to earlier. If you are puzzled about that statement that’s okay. Just imagine for a moment, you’ve agreed to have me hypnotize you. You’ve given me your ideal scenario and I’ve agreed to it. This should mean to you that it’s important for you to see it through, and cooperate even, as I put you into a very, very deep trance. Do you still agree to that? It’s okay to just nod your head. That’s all you need to do. Good.
No one is hypnotizing you against your will because your subconscious is always active. Think about watching your best friend and how close you are. It’s okay if you can’t get a clear picture of their face right now. What that relationship means to you and how there is a level of closeness sounds. They make you feel good, feel comfortable, and happy. Out of the corner of your vision they come racing at you. Screaming “You hurt me. Don’t say a word.” Did you feel yourself instantly respond to that thought? Your subconscious is there to protect you and knows what’s important to you. It primed your action without you having to think about starting or stopping feelings inside you. Now, it’s okay. You can see that best friend is just practicing a play. You are responding to their passionate performance. You felt those feelings and needs inside you. All of our life is responding from our current state of awareness. That’s how we recognize and interact with what’s important in the world. No one can trick you into trance, because you were always in one.
No one can hypnotize you against your will, and this is just demonstrating for you that this is what is real now. It’s always been this way. I wouldn't hypnotize someone if they don't want to be hypnotized, but here’s the thing... I can make them want to be hypnotized. Really. I’ll show them how this state can intensify the best of who there are.
Here’s how it will go. Keep in mind, it’s not that hard to make someone really want something they initially don’t want. You had some doubt… I’m going to show you what somany miss. Here’s an example. Think about your favorite food. For this example let’s agree that food is mint chocolate chip ice cream. It’s the best! You might remember going out for this as a child and having a first kiss sharing an ice cream cone together… This is just an example, but you can imagine how great this is right!?
Do you, right now, want a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone? Yes, maybe you do, but let’s say you don’t. It’s six AM in the morning or you just had some vodka—who eats ice cream at 6 or pairs it with vodka? And you prefer listening to my voice relaxing you anyway, right. But if I tell you how nice it would be to taste something cool and sweet after the salty omelette we just had for breakfast... the salty sensation still lingering in your mouth… and how cool and creamy mint chocolate chip ice cream would be...cool, refreshing, and homemade… imagine just a bit, melting on your tongue. Noticing how your body and mind respond to me… When you have a deliciously crunchy ice cream cone, so will I… Notice how I lick it, how my tongue and my lips look,how I smile, how it starts to make you desire...and enjoying how I might share this ice cream cone with you, seems like the most natural thing in the world. This just hints at how much more you crave, and why you are here...
So tell me, do you want to share an ice cream cone with me? Hmmm mmmm. I bet you do. This is something that is done in every commercial around us and it's constantly reinforcing this behavior. Constantly seeking those who know what they want and those who started out not thinking about anything at all. If those ad companies knew you as I do, well, they could make you want practically anything.
Sure hypnosis is different from advertising. But you have elected for the mind control program and the thought stopping and influence, well, in fact it’s easier. You see, hypnosis is just a process of inducing a state of awareness in order to make it easier to communicate with your subconscious mind. When you go really deep into this state you’ll be in touch with who you really are… You see, your unconscious gets lonely. Often hard to communicate all you really want and need when your conscious mind is always chattering away… So we have agreed. When someone feels like no one is listening they crave someone that wants someone to pay attention to it, that will listen, to be nice to it. So that what you really want, what you have always craved, can truly be… Following along with me gives you so much pleasure already. We have already agreed to what we are going to do. I’m taking care of all the effort necessary...
You should know though, it’s not easy to get the subconscious mind listening, intrigued, and feeling cooperative even if consciously someone is resisting the idea with all their might. That idea thrilled you once. The idea of obeying and being mine is also becoming quite thrilling, isn’t it? Wonderful. I see that confused arousal. This is why you are here. We have invested so much time and energy into each other already.
You could be shouting, looking away, or singing a song, but it wouldn’t matter. We’ve already talked about this and agreed. Once the process has started there is no turning back. You need me. I would bring your unconscious mind around to my way of thinking on the subject with no trouble at all. It’s incredibly easy for me to do. You have already been programmed to come back and seek more… Why am I telling you this?
That’s easy. I’m telling you because I said I would, and because you trust me, deep in your soul. You are becoming an extension of my pleasure, and in the the every day world you kick ass. Here, now, you keep coming back to a deepening response…. You know you’re mine…. You know you are a verb and not a noun. You are not stuck as any one thing… you know with change, you are flexible, with change you know you can provide for what we need. You are my pleasure…. You have a need to surrender… and a desire to share that with someone worthy… you are learning to live by a code… this makes you stronger and better, for me… this is part of your service, and I love to have you thirst… I am not evil, or bad. I bring out the best in you and you feel like you’ve been enchanted. I will subjugate you, as long you listen to me... there would be no fighting it. Everything around you reminds you of it. That’s just me and and you’re subconscious communicating… Feel pleased, comfort, joy, and pleasure… you are mine.
Each time before we begin I tell you. I want to make sure I have your explicit consent before I lay your mind open to me. Each time takes you farther, deeper, under my control… There’s no going back. Each time I see you responding with such thirsty surrender and you sink into that comfortable joy... In deep trance state you are quite vulnerable, and an unscrupulous person could do things to your mind that would not be in your best interest. The best that you are is amazing. I want you to feel pride in that… You will know my pleasure and this is something you crave… It’s what bring you back here.
Well, there’s more to it really. You are bound by the agreement you’ve made. Everyday so many things remind you of that. Bringing you back here. Recognizing, craving, thirsty to show you’re mine... No, it’s really not possible to get someone to do something through hypnosis that goes against their basic values, beliefs, and wishes. This is just something you never knew you always wanted… Getting a taste for what this is like gave you the words, and desires to get closer… Discover what you craved all along… This isn’t for everybody. You have to be chosen and agree that you want this… Too much time is spent making things sound safe and harmless. You are a verb not a noun. You have craved this because you thirst to be transformed. To be something more, different… You agreed.
Still some people need convincing. They fear change but know something has to be different. The perfect example is your local dental office. So many put out signs to convince skittish customers to get the work done they so desperately need. Come in now “painless dentistry” and “So fast we’ll tell you when it’s over.” Who are they kidding? They do this because it works. When the need gets strong enough, people know when they have had enough. They are ready for the change, and will put the work in to be better.
But people don’t understand hypnosis or mind control well enough to understand the degree of power an operator has over you. In the deepest states of hypnosis and trance you can be made to see and hear things that are not there, and to experience post hypnotic hallucinations that are...inescapably vivid. This is more than not seeing your car keys that are right in front of you. This is a natural function of how you process reality and when you experience these things, it changes you… You have heard the stories of people made to believe that upon waking they would be confronted by a crazed woman with a poisoned dagger, that this assassin needed to pierce their skin and hear you scream. A situation like this would have to be kill or be killed, you could very well be made to strangle anyone running towards you. Heh, no. You’re right. We won’t let that happen. This is not that kind of programming or trance. We take care of each other and you become an extension of me. Should anyone try to convince you otherwise I want you to know they are an idiot. This is not for them. The danger is in their mind and after my example I just demonstrated for you that it can be released. Just like stress, just like pain. We move together as one and take care of each other, and to do that you simply had to learn the pleasure that comes from surrender. So go deeper, and obey...
Each time we begin you start to forget. Forget about all the strain, effort, and stress… I lay it all out for you… I enjoy telling you all this and watching you respond…. I’m also making sure you agree. Each time you sit here, each time you listen, each time you respond, you are agreeing to let me move you into a deeper state of hypnosis… Each time you agree you recognize that you are profoundly under my power. It feels good. There’s a reminding thirst that’s like an orgasm building… Good. Yes, I know you trust me. Yes, I agree. Yes, I’m being very dramatic. I want you to understand how far you’ve come from making that first agreement… There’s pleasure in pleasing… you are a verb not a noun… becoming better… moving deeper… communicating and drinking my commands in.
Together now, take a deep breathe and listen to the noises around you, this is a moment meant to share with you, so notice how easily you can concentrate on the sound of my voice, how the energy of my experience becomes shared with you... and you don’t even need to pay attention to my words, you just enjoy the sound of my voice… it relaxes you more and more… taking over all the effort needed… you can grow quiet, comfortable, safe, and soft… taking more of what was never really you away... That’s right, just relax into it... Breathing in slowly through your nose...and out slowly through your mouth. In...and out. Good.
And you may come to realize that you don’t know for sure whether you are already under hypnosis, and that you don’t know how long you’ve been going under, and you may be aware that you are learning things...about your unconscious...mind wandering, OK to wander...finding your way...just drifting now...in and out...around and through...learning to go deeper and deeper. The sound of my voice wrapping you up and carrying you peacefully to rest beside me... it’s this energy and intention to establish this as our, safe place...where you can find yourself feeling good...and noticing your awareness of your body...of the sounds around you in the room...of your breathing...and how it all weaves together into a soothing little symphony of communication with me...flowing around my desire and through my words...it's like magic… every agreement binds us to take care of each other under this spell...every sensation letting you drift...just as deep as you want to go...into a restful unconscious rest of the sensations are with you...but more and more distant...more and more relaxing...that’s right. That’s right...just like that.
And now you will hear me count backwards...and your mind can follow my voice down and down...and with each number you can allow yourself to drift deeper and deeper...into your most comfortable state...down deeper and deeper into hypnosis with each number that I count...
Five. You are becoming aware of how it feels to go deep into trance...letting your unconscious mind lead the way down...and down...
Four. That’s right...deeper again...down and down...unimportant things drifting away now...your unconscious mind is able to focus more and more on what you are experiencing inside yourself...learning to go down...deeper...letting go now...
Three. Already so deep, but going deeper now...completely relaxed...knowing that however you want to go into trance is just perfect...however deep you want to go...
Two. Down...drifting now...focusing on my voice even as my words become the background...down...down...just letting go...deeper...deeper...
One. That’s right...coming to rest...moving toward what you are learning...concentrating on the sound of my voice...
Two. Coming slowly up now...things getting more clear...feeling lighter now...
Three. Up and up...becoming a little more alert with each breath now...not so heavy...
Two! Down! Down! Deeper and deeper again...faster and faster...down, down...
One. Down deeper and deeper and deeper with every moment deeper and deeper...down...down...so heavy and content now...even deeper...going even deeper for me...Down… Down… Communicating deeply with each other...
That’s right...just perfect...learning to go so deep now...Just drifting deeper… Each time faster, each time deeper, each time responding more profoundly then before…. so wonderful and comfortable now...so deep...good...very, very good...you are doing so well...as you go deeper and deeper I am so proud of you...and you now can become aware of going...deeper still… I’m so proud of you… That’s right...
So deep...and completely relaxed...my words going directly to your subconscious mind...listening to the things I have to share with your unconscious...wonderful things to hear...to learn...every word bringing you deeper...so pleasurable to go deeper for me now...wanting to go deeper… we take care of each other… each time you obey you get to enjoy pleasure… each time we communicate there’s more to explore…. Looking forward to the joy and obey...
And now...even deeper...deeper still...your mind so open...feeling so good to be open to my commands...feeling that secret feeling… that brings you back here… each time you obey you feel pleasure… and having this understanding that you can’t name...yourself...wondering what will happen now...looking forward to learning who you are...wondering who you might be…. You can be someone who can go beyond...what you don’t know...your name...putting away your name now...no need to do anything but remember that forgetting is a kind of remembering…. releasing everything but who you are...what your name was...where did you put it away...no name needed now...you know what you need to follow my words, and enjoy learning to obey...like a secret game… like a building orgasm that brings you back to me… when you’re ready you agree… that takes you deeper, moves you more profoundly, and creates in you a stronger thirst than before… Obey, and feel the pleasure… That’s right...nothing to think about… you feel you are learning to go deeper...into that nameless place of relaxation...so pleasant to listen and learn and do what I ask of you...so pleasant to please me...automatic and natural to do what pleases me… becoming an extension of my pleasure… becoming a better self… you kick ass in the world… you are learning about the service that makes you mine… obey… feel pleasure...
It’s so pleasant to realize that you now know how to go this deep...and even deeper...and that when we come here again you can instantly go deeper for me...effortless to enter trance when you ask me how you can please. When I am ready I’ll give you the secret signal...wondering how deep you can go...and you may wonder what the secret signal will be...but you remember that it’s your agreement… You say “I agree, Sir”...I agree, Sir”... and I take you away…. the secret that will tell you that it’s OK to move deeper than before… right now, down here, deeper than ever before, there’s our safe place, and feeling better as you obey… pleasure… takes you twice as deep...I agree, Sir… was all that you had to say… It connected us from where we started…
Each time that agreement is given you know there’s no turning back… Each time new discoveries await... wondering what you will find when you go twice as deep...the secret signal that lets your unconcscious know that it’s time to take over… it remembers its time to forget… I agree, Sir… and let your everyday sleepy mind rest...it’s time for programming…. come down here with me...when I say “Do you agree slave?” You reply with, “I agree, Sir” and you immediately sink into trance...even deeper than before... now...your body staying relaxed wherever you are...your eyes closing and your unconscious bringing you down so deep...deeper and deeper...twice as deep...and twice as deep again...because you know how to go deeper...at the secret signal…”Do you agree slave?” You reply with, “I agree, Sir”... that takes ten times deeper than ever before...open and relaxed…. each time getting easier...no need for thought now...wanting to come back here and learn more… you learn how to please… so we will begin your exercises, and you’ll feel great for the day...
That’s right...your conscious mind remembering only that you had a wonderful but relaxing time...because that’s all it needs to know...and your unconscious mind waiting, relaxed, for the secret signal...that will bring you down here again… ”Do you agree slave?” You reply with, “I agree, Sir”... and deeper still...as I lead you to places you can’t yet imagine...and you will learn wonderful things there...things you know deeply...so deeply...while your conscious mind awakes and forgets...sets aside the unimportant things...nameless...wondering what it might have been...wondering… you get to unbecome everything that is not you… feel wonderful about it...
And now I will count forwards, and with each number you will find yourself rushing upward toward the surface of your waking mind, as though you were coming up from deep under the cool, clear, refreshing water, with each number rising higher and higher...faster and faster... and when I reach five you will be fully awake, feeling completely refreshed and very, very happy...all of our secrets with you, but down deep...your conscious mind not needing to know...your nameless relaxation still within you...
One. Up now, higher and higher...noticing your breath...becoming aware now...
Two. Faster and higher...feeling your body start to move...aware of the room around you...coming awake now...
One. Wide awake, now. Wide awake. Wide awake…
Ready to test out just what you’ve learned? Oh, can you tell me your name again? No… How was that for you?
End, or is it?
Joseph Crown
My work is created to interact with those that enjoy themes of hypnosis, influence, and power exchange. Please share them as this brings others attracted to these themes into our circle. These words were created with passion, kindness, and appreciation in order to share what I enjoy with those seeking the right fit, together. That's just part of the benefit and pleasure of sharing. It also makes me happy. :> Seek the Tao of the Crown!
Like my content? Buy me a coffee and become a patron of the hypnotic arts!
Joseph W Crown crownhouseone@gmail.com Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few.
Private discussion and development group
You can find Instruction of The Hypno Dom: A Master/slave Lifestyle Development Training on Erotic and Authoritarian Hypnosis live on amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RNHLFKS
Paperback Version https://www.amazon.com/dp/1097967212
Seek with your passion, and journey with a welcoming heart and grateful spirit. We are all unknowing seekers who bring with us stories describing the path we've tread. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL Paperback Version https://goo.gl/HJ1OUo
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