Get know the subject a little. Getting rapport and consent assists you in developing the most effective language with your subject. It’s great when you can find out about the subject’s attitudes, emotions, interests, and anything which may help you to decide on the choice of words, scenes, and any themes that they don’t like before using them. Some hypnotists will have the subject describe the most comforting and happiest places they have been or wish to be. It’s often an easy trance session if the subject would enjoy revivifying or recreating those moments with you. When doing a kinky hypnotic session, a negotiation BDSM checklist may be used as part of this pretalk. A checklist like this is often used if playing in a public dungeon and it helps to ensure there is no shame, limits, and real interests. You can find an updated form for this purpose here.
Next comes your hypnotic philosophy and definition to share with the subject. I’d define hypnosis, (and erotic hypnosis), as focused goal directed, altered state of consciousness that is usually induced by another person, and this state allows us greater access to communicate with the subconscious. The hypnotic state can enhance sexual experiences by removing inhibitions, amplifying the senses, and intensifying sexual responses. We can create realistic fantasy experiences from exploration with erotic hypnosis and this often comes paired with a power exchange relationship or experience, but it does not have to. What is erotic to one person may be a turn off to another, so feedback and consistent communication is needed to achieve unrestrained goal directed pleasure simple tactile sensations or elaborate role-play scenes like Master/slave, pet play, becoming someone else, and much more. Many people use hypnosis to amplify feelings of sexual arousal, submission, and to develop increased sexual responsiveness to training cues. The nature of exploration with erotic hypnosis often comes paired with a power exchange relationship or experience, but it does not have to. What is erotic to one person may be a turn off to another, so feedback and consistent communication are needed to achieve unrestrained goal directed pleasure.
Training and testing my work with a woman excites me. Enjoy your own life without comparing it with that of another. Seeking the best moments is a good conversational skill to adopt as it assists you in collecting information about places, emotions, and history of the subject that could be utilized during a session. More than that it allows you to bring those best moment into new scenes that can be experienced for the first time in hypnotic adventures with you. Yes, you can be into erotic hypnosis and want nothing more than to make your partner cum. For some of us that's just the start. Read this over and see how you could create a hypnotic adventure that will make you want to try everything at least twice.
This write up is part of the new book, Instruction of The Hypno Dom, A Master slave Lifestyle Development Training on Erotic and Authoritarian Hypnosis. Are these phases similar to what you use to perform erotic hypnosis?
Joseph Crown
My work is created to interact with those that enjoy themes of hypnosis, influence, and power exchange. Please share them as this brings others attracted to these themes into our circle. These words were created with passion, kindness, and appreciation in order to share what I enjoy with those of us seeking the right fit, together. That's just part of the benefit and pleasure of sharing. It also makes me happy. :>
Joseph W Crown crownhouseone@gmail.com Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL Paperback Version https://goo.gl/HJ1OUo Seek with your passion, and journey with a welcoming heart and grateful spirit. We are all unknowing seekers who bring with us stories describing the path we've tread. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear.
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