Damien Atropa is a good friend, an impetus for wildly unpredictable wagers, and a great Master Hypnotist with passion for making a person's kink vividly interactive. Along with the conversations that we get into Damien has a love of whiskey that he often brings to our get togethers that he never drinks. The great thing is I love whiskey and have suspected for some time that we come up with some of our best material when we are laughing and coming up with important ideas. These important ideas make us laugh and best of all some of them really work well. The focus of this transcript is living in the past. I hope you enjoy it.
J: Hello again and welcome back Damien.
D: It’s good to be back Joseph.
J: What will be the topic of our conversation for today.
D: Today, I wanted to take about emotions and the past.
J: You mean how hypnotists commonly allow participants to relive their memories and re-experience the emotions they felt.
D: Correct.
J: Because you raised the topic, I presume there’s something in particular you want to mention.
D: Well Joseph, a question I am commonly asked is, “how can a hypnotist allow me to experience powerful emotions”, so I wanted to answer that question today.
J: Please do
D: The brain is one of the most complex and interesting aspects of the human body, in that it both houses the conscious and processes all of the sensory information we received from the world. Now Joseph, as you very well know, the amount of sensory information the mind receives in any moment is overwhelming, it is more than the mind can quickly process at any one time, so the mind takes shortcuts. It looks for patterns that it recognizes and will elicit the appropriate physical and emotional response to that pattern, before it has finished processing what has happened.
For example, if you have ever experienced touching something you expected to be cold or hot, felt it and instantly recoiled, before your brain was able to catch up, and let you know it was safe to touch. In the moment, it felt the way you expected it to feel. As for what that implies, would you like to take it from here?
J: I would be glad to do so. This implies that the brain can and will generate sensory responses and feelings even without stimuli if it believes it should. This is because all feelings are generated, and processed by the mind. This is one of the reasons hypnosis can be used to dull or remove pain during surgery for individuals that are unable to use anaesthesia.
D: Correct.
J: That reminds me of a cognitive study involving brain-computer interfaces I was once asked to supervise. In this study, individuals were asked to imagine performing in action, then to physically perform the action in real life. The researchers were able to detect when the individual was imagining the action, because the neurological signature for imagining the action, was nearly identical to the signature for performing it.
D: Exactly. When the mind imagines something, it begins to experience it. Going back to the primary question of this interview Joseph, would you like to state how this allows a hypnotist to invoke powerful emotions?
J: That would be by eliciting memories of strong emotions or allowing the participant to imagine experiencing them.
D: The hypnotist does not create out of a void, but instead creates from what already exists. By allowing the client to imagine the feeling, they will begin to feel it.
J: Generating from what already exists, and guiding the mind to where it needs to go.
D: Of course, this gets into an area where I already know that we disagree. You act as a mentor, a leader that shows them the direction they need to go, to become the person that want to become. I know you’ve used that method to great success in training individuals. Reaching deeply into one’s desires, you deconstruct the persona they had worn in life until that point, and rebuild a new foundation in its place. On the other hand, I do not actively tell the mind where to go. I allow it to go where it most needs to, and supervise its journey. When you step back and allow the mind to go where it must, people tend to find whatever it is they were looking for.
J: Yes, I have noticed that your clients all radiate a powerful sense of internal peace. Can you give me an example of this process?
D: It’d be my Pleasure. I once worked with an anxious woman that reported feeling directionless, and a strong sense of dread whenever she imagined the future. What I asked her was to think about the thing in your life that gives you the most peace and happiness. And once she had selected a good, I asked her to remember all of her sensations in the moment. What she saw around her, the sounds in the world, from the whisper of a silent breeze, to the voice of the people dear to her. And most importantly, how she felt being there, in that moment.
She soon unclenched her tightened fists, and you could see a warm smile slowly appear on her face. Afterwards, I asked her to think about the hobby or passion in your life that brings you the most joy. Then to remember the excitement she feels right before she’s about to do this. She responded with a mischievous smile. I then asked her about the most important feeling it gives her, whether that’s freedom, warmth, exhilaration, or something entirely different. Then this previous quiet individual, gave me a vivid description of music, and how alive it made her feel whenever she allows the beat to pulse through her veins. You could see her begin to rock her head as she spoke, dancing to her own internal beat. Once she had both the feelings of peace and excitement, we used them to reach forward into her future. I asked her to turn both the initial feeling of peace and the excitement she felt afterwards, into the colors that both represented them. She told me they felt like a calm sky blue and a powerful crimson respectively.
At this point, I instructed her to imagine dressing herself in this blue and red, wearing her feelings of love and happiness. She was grinning from ear to ear, feeling happy, visibly confident in herself outside and out. I then asked her to look, 5, 10, and 20 years into the future. Still seeing herself wearing these same beautiful colors, feeling this same sense of peace and excitement, and asked her about the type of life she had lived to allow her to still wear those same feelings for 20 years. The next day, she went back to school and enrolled in the degree she had always, albeit secretly, dreamt of pursuing.
If you would like to contact Damien Atropa you may find him on Facebook or email him directly. If you would like to find out how to be part of these conversations please check out the link below. I hope you have enjoyed the read.
Joseph W Crown
Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few.
You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL
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Seek with your passion and seek with your spirit. We are all unknowing seekers who bring with us stories describing the past. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear.
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