This is a piece I'm working on and its still very rough. It's actually my first draft with the target audience of those erotic hypnotists that consider themselves Hypno Doms. There is more to write on this piece but I wanted to get some feedback and thoughts from peers. I'm done writing for the night and looking for interaction with it to keep the motivation going here. Open to your thoughts, impressions, and questions.
Concepts and strategies that begin to use hypnosis and altered states for interrogation, changing a person’s values, and creating the perfect agent or soldier have been areas long explored. Often people think of these things as fabricated movie references. There are thousands of these made references from government agencies slowly sharing their research into influence, human programing, and psychic abilities. I have included one such link below.
Hopefully you can see that techniques to manipulate behavior have been used, refined, and kept secret from the majority of society for some time. If you don’t believe it I would encourage you to learn more about the topic,but in the end it is not my responsibility to convince you or defend that information. The applications of covert influence is all around us and learning what compliance is, where it's used, and if it is intended to be used with an induction are our starting point here. As a hypnotist and MC, you’ll soon discover that your skill will allow you to shape conversations, sway affective moods, and artistically establish the necessary background information and experiences to get agreement and achieve compliance in others. The definition of compliance in this work refers to changing one's behavior due to the direct or indirect request or direction of another person. Compliance with an action therefor is not always enthusiastic approval or reluctant acceptance. Sometimes a person complies without much thought at all. Such as, straightening your posture to visually check whether subjects are following your lead. This example should be bringing back more pacing and leading strategies from that section.
More specifically compliance refers to an individual's acquiescence or follow through in response to a request from a peer. Compliance should be distinguished from obedience (behaviors influenced by an authority figure) and conformity (behavior intended to align with or match the behavior, standards, expectations of the social majority in a given setting). The question may come to mind, “On whose authority are you asking me to do this?” In the age of self determinism and accountability all of us should question why it is we do what we do and how we do it. The authority could be a person, source of political, social, or economic power that enables the enforcement of rules and/or gives orders that hold real or imagined sway over us. Let’s examine this further.
Consider the fact that adherence to almost any standard or plan would be an unnatural act. To stay adherent to a standard or plan a person would need to be aware of certain standards, actions, and goals and choose appropriately. When a person is trying to quit smoking, stick to a diet, or manage a medical condition considerably more thought has to go into what can be done to encourage adherence. I’m sure everyone has heard stories, or experienced another person trying to give up smoking. That person goes out with friends and they start drinking and someone lights up a cigarette. The person quitting smoking is very aware of the desire to join their friend as they have many times before. Imagine meeting a friend for lunch and one of you began a diet. The competing priorities in your mind can be hard to stick with. When I say peer pressure to partake here, and you may imagine someone telling you to just take one bite of cake, or handing you a cigarette. Compliance here would be the tendency of conforming with or agreeing to the wishes of others. The others here may have no other agenda than to have you join them and that makes partaking in the behavior easy even against your doctor’s advice. In these examples the authority figure could be your doctor and he may give you a scolding six months or a year from now at your next checkup. There could be little accountability or repercussions. Let’s look at the example of a medical condition.
The authority again is a doctor who just diagnosed someone with HIV. The person had no idea and didn’t feel sick. Now a standard antiretroviral therapy (ART) drug is prescribed once a day and it must be taken at the same time with food. The finding would be shocking and the changes to everyday routine need to be abruptly altered. The environment would be used to help cue the person about these changes that need to happen. Food must be ready. Alarms will need to be set. A pill might need to be placed in a waterproof container just in case the day’s dose is forgotten. Setting up these environmental cues require an MC to control and manipulate the environment to gain compliance and control without bringing in additional peers. Learning to these skills is not good or evil. These are elements that happen everyday and we wade through them often without even knowing. Perfecting these skills as a performance art allows a greater degree of compliance, suggestibility, and responsive obedience when with others intentionally. It also allows us to recognize when others are attempting to use tactics that influence us in these ways.
Everything we will cover in this work could be used to develop and maintain compliance, obedience, and followership should an MC desire. When I think of using drawn out compliance training it is because I’m wanting to get a strong unconscious feedback loop maintained. This is why individuals being integrated may be asked to repeat back sets of words and numbers over and over. Compliance training has the goal of getting someone to the point that they obey and don’t think about it. It is often gradual compliance building that is expected with individuals who are not motivated or want nothing to do with us. Compliance training is used to get the subject to want what we want and become open to exploring more with us. Think about it like this. You would not use the same influence attempt with your best that you would use on your worst enemy. Compliance training is used in two different ways. The first is to get the reluctant or distracted subject more motivated and responsive to work with you. The second way compliance is used is to a motivated person increasingly stimulated, responsive, and desiring the developing connection together as you work toward common outcomes, goals, and experiences.
Our behavior is governed much more by the unconscious than most people believe. Having a willful or reluctant self control individual who is used to forcing themselves to go to work, restraining and constantly trying to control their temper is not terrible thing. What people don’t realize is that their willpower is malleable. Willpower is thoughts about what should happen or be real. Those self deterministic “shoulds” are all thoughts. Our thoughts and our memories change in small or large ways every time we access them. Our willpower, just like our thoughts is moldable, elastic, and sometimes completely nonexistent. There have been times when I wake up from sleep or are just tired and I look at something. That stare turns into a trance or meditative state where I am not thinking consciously. That is good and natural. Having subjects with a strong belief in their willpower is actually beneficial to the work you do with them. Subjects who believe they have made their own decisions are far more likely to be satisfied with their behaviors. Even after some subjects are told they were manipulated into making decisions that they normally would not have made, they will defend themselves, saying they made the choices on their own. No one is immune from influence even if they know that it is happening. We are all MCs. We all are perceiving and adapting to conditions in the world and how we experience the world. For better or for worse we are sharing these thoughts, experiences, and shoulds with each other consistently. Learning this material will help you to stop shoulding on yourself, but it cannot make you immune from influence. No program or information can.
When I refer to compliance training I am talking about the overall process that instills pleasure and pride in the subject learning about control and being guided with control. The concept of entrainment develops compliance and strengthens the associations to MC. To develop the entrainment state further the MC will begin a process called state proofing. Let’s examine entrainment further.
Anyone who has done yoga, meditation, trance, hypnosis, biofeedback, religious ceremonies, and therapy have undergone entrainment conditioning. What we are doing as Hypno Doms, MCs, and Erotic Hypnotists is utilizing a variety of environmental, psychological, and culturally based techniques to create experiences for our subjects that they can develop into. Right now there isn’t much difference in that description from what a general group meditation class might offer. What we begin to do is utilize the personal information and immediate feedback to create state entrainment. State entrainment is the state of relational cognition that you are conditioning the subject to function in and develop. There can be more than one state that is used for development and operationalizing the subject. Operationalizing is the mindset, skills, and awareness that you are training your subject to function in. A variety of techniques, props, and methods can be used to facilitate the subject getting into the desired state.
As you work with people you will discover that few things are as psychologically compelling as the human desire to acquire more control to expand upon personal experience and expression. We all want this and seek to act to experience more personal agency through knowledge, live with more feeling, acquire more knowledge of the the self and the environment. We all are seeking elements that allow us to develop and express the traits of the identity we want others to see us as. We want those traits and identities to also attract and communicate with others like us. Using hypnotic entrainment methods in a normal conversation can drastically change the trajectory of the interaction that follows.
For example, if a subject feels slightly confused or anxious as they enter a trance, the reassurance of moving into a more powerful or balanced state through the guidance of the MC establishes psychological motivation to move in the directions you wish them to go. Hypno Doms will work with experiences that are painful and pleasurable so being able to work in both extremes and bring the subject rapidly back to a balanced, safe, and accepting mental space is crucial.
When you first start working with someone the sensation of losing control or becoming vulnerable in the presence of someone they just met can cause discomfort and confusion in subjects’ mental states. When the subject is experiencing discomfort and vulnerability they will unconsciously begin to seek ways to increase their comfort levels. The subject will use what they know to do this and what you practice with them becomes the resources that matter. Making subjects understand that their following your instructions and commands can only increase their own feelings of empowerment, resource development, and experience in the moment, establishes the psychic motivation that automatically associates individual responsiveness and obedience. Subjects will have feelings of vulnerability and intense euphoria as you work with them to gradually increase their responses, skills, and experiences as they continue to go deeper into trances. These experiences are utilized to improve the quality of their life, demonstrate how they can have more control in everyday life, and interact with fantastic and experiences safely as they work with you. To get here entrainment experiences become part of hypnotic resource building and response building with the MC. As the need to feel more in control through the guidance of the MC increases the MC may install the need to obey and please the MC. At this point almost any instruction or command given by the MC will be unconsciously primed or immediately followed.
Keywords for you to search more on this topic are neural entrainment, brainwave entrainment, and behavioral relationship entrainment should be enough to get you started researching.
State Proofing
State proofing is the sustained conditioning necessary to have a subject maintain a desired state while performing a variety of tasks.
StartFragmentJoseph W Crown crownhouseone@gmail.com Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL Paperback Version https://goo.gl/HJ1OUo Seek with your passion and seek with your spirit. We are all unknowing seekers who bring with us stories describing the past. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear. Subscribers of The Tao of The Crown, www.taoofthecrown.com will be randomly offered goodies not released to the public. Have you signed up? EndFragment