After dealing with issues related to flooding it's time to get back into the groove here. Many of the writers I know have a need to write in order to express themselves and be introspective beyond the surface level of day to day goings on. Everyday I couldn't write easily I was having ideas pop into my mind and subconscious reminders to get away, balance my heart and mind, and explore my thoughts and imaginings. After the relentless urgings of my subconscious I am headed out to enjoy a cup of Joe and begin to plan what happens from here.
Last night I went out to get some transcripts for the hypnosis book. I still enjoy doing conversational trance work in public places and find it ideal as strangers often talk in generalities.
After talking with Damion Atropa over many whiskeys and barroom hypnotic experiments I undertake on a waking trance storytime project with him. This is something we both enjoy and struggling to keep all the current projects moving forward. If you haven't listen to the our first go at recording one of our chats for public consumption check it out here. http://www.taoofthecrown.com/single-post/2017/08/30/Recorded-an-Audio-on-Technology-group-influence-and-infiltration-online
I'm also kicking around the idea of releasing the hypno dom manual and adding sections as I go. Anyone who has purchased the kindle version of The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL
knows that I update and add a lot of material. I believe bringing in multiple perspectives and being adaptable allows us to share the best of today's thoughts and experiences with each other. Okay, time to get down to business. You can find me through the links below.
Joseph W Crown crownhouseone@gmail.com Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL Paperback Version https://goo.gl/HJ1OUo Seek with your passion and seek with your spirit. We are all unknowing seekers who bring with us stories describing the past. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear. Subscribers of The Tao of The Crown, www.taoofthecrown.com will be randomly offered goodies not released to the public. Have you signed up?