I just finished reading an advanced proof copy of the Ellipsis Manual. My first thought was that this book will shave five years off what it takes to be a Master for any novice entering the field. If you haven't heard about this book I recommend you check out these links.
I first came aware of this book as I was writing The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers and I mention it in my book. At that time it was Chase's behavioral table of elements that caught my eye for profiling and impression management that initially drew me in. For instance, Chase's post on how to Keep Anyone Listening To You is a great example of how these behavioral elements are used to an operator or MC's advantage. http://www.ellipsisbehavior.com/listening-tactics.html
After reading of the Ellipsis Manual I looked at the shelves of books I have in my professional library. This one book is akin to a five-year apprenticeship for someone just starting out. It is rare to find this quality of references, topics, and practice material in one place. Not knowing where to look next and what gaps need to be filled in method and practice takes time to learn. This book, when released, will jump start a person's progression through mastery in these areas. It is because of that quality of information that I share this review with the community today.
If you have some advanced skills than this book still has a lot to offer. The Ellipsis Manual went farther than I was prepared to go in The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers. His book gives you scripts detailing what it takes to be an operator of subjects that have no idea what your goal or mission might be. As MC's we may engage in consensual non-consent and these skills open up a wider range of opportunities and strategies for us. This knowledge also help us correct the bad work of others have done. Knowing what its like to put someone into trance is not the same thing as having the knowledge of the art to shape, and reshape the behavior presented to you across a variety of situations and circumstances. I like that this book will get newbies not only thinking about influence in this way, it is directing them through techniques to create their own plans of action. This is something many of us learned the hard way.
The cherry on the cake for the Ellipsis Manual is it demonstrates how compliance training for hypnotic messengers begins, and offers enough information for advanced operators to design other roles for subjects. The best part of reading the Ellipsis Manual was discovering we approach this from different perspective. As an MC, we often get people motivated to enter into these states. Learning these skills allows you to handle difficult subject's and create scenarios of that will be unattainable for the average operator or MC. In the Ellipsis Manual you are learning how training people who are often unaware, and may be resistant to influence and persuasion, will need to be handled in order to work with them in these programming states. I would never advise any one to use this knowledge, but knowing how these skills operate and propagate influence among groups and individuals is seeing the opportunities of a Master.
The Ellipsis Manual doesn’t give you fluff, or exaggerate its contents by calling them dark or forbidden patterns. This book contains the knowledge you need to become a one-person force to be reckoned with. What you have here is one of the most comprehensive volumes on mind control and hypnosis that I have seen in years. This isn't a paid review. I have my own book and style to share. This is honest respect for the work that Chase Hughes has honed here.
I don't know how many of you have read my book, but the teaching style between our work is different. When deconstructing and learning this material people often feel a bit of disassociation, and have a loss of connection with some things that were once meaningful to them. That's the point. Learning how language patterns deconstruct and reveal the assumptions we all have about life and reality is part of this work. Somehow emotion encountered in life isn't as pure as it once was, or as personally meaningful. We learn to run our thoughts and impressions through this deconstructive filter that has been acquired from learning this knowledge. In essence, learning persuasion and influence is often an exercise in reorganizing our thinking about own life and responsive interactions that we have everyday. This deconstructed blandness often happens without any thought of reestablishing what is meaningful about these concepts, and/or empathetic interactions that we were once open to fully. That can lead some to feeling empty about interactions with others, and choosing to not learn more of this material for some. It actually makes them unhappy.
The Ellipsis Manual shares a philosophy of impression management while conveying the information in a academic way. I enjoyed reading how an operative thinks, dresses, and looks at the world. I enjoyed it so much I wanted to hear more of those sentiments and philosophies. I tend to use a style I learned from from Richard Bandler that comes together with an Ericksonian tone. When I teach I want the student to bring together those meaningful bits into their life in a way that has meaning uniquely for them. Chase Hughes and I may use a different style to do this, but I came away from this book eager to test my expectations out in the world. The information you learn here makes you think about connecting to the world differently. After all, not everyone is cut out to be a mind controller or a socializing agent in this rapidly changing world.
The Ellipsis Manual is the book I wish I had when I started my career. I recommend it to my fellow MCs, Hypnotists, and conversational operatives. This is one book that might inspire you to rediscover the world around you and offer tools to better design a life that you want to live.
Joseph W Crown
Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL Paperback Version https://goo.gl/HJ1OUo
Seek with your passion, and seek with your spirit. We are all unknowing seekers that brings with us stories that has described the past. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear. Subscribers of The Tao of The Crown, www.taoofthecrown.com will be randomly offered goodies not released to the public. Have you signed up? Have you submitted to the Monthly Essay Contest to win a free copy of The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers. If you missed it you can get more information from the link below. https://goo.gl/fIMRMJ Seeking Community Voices of Mind Controllers and the subjects that love that control. Find out more about this here http://rx.hu/fpuv You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL Paperback Version https://goo.gl/HJ1OUo