You can create anchors in yourself and others. To do this, you need to understand some basic concepts about anchors. Anchors are created naturally and artificially in two ways:
In an intense emotional (positive or negative) event.
In using repetition. The continual association between a stimulus and a response and this happens in everyday life, as well as intentionally developed. Greater repetition is needed if the emotion is not intense, or there is no emotional involvement. Remember Pavlov did this with a bell and then food. Think about how a person could strengthen that natural response to food while developing this anchor. For me, when I work all day and have to skip lunch I can feel my mouth water and the happy endorphin's moving when I get that burger. Suddenly it tastes like the best burger ever.
Your anchor needs to be:
Unique, distinct and easy to repeat. If you're touching yourself or someone else in this same way all the time then that is not a good trigger. Saying a word internally, or out loud to yourself, in a particular tone of voice would be a good auditory/auditory digital anchor. Selecting a trigger that you inadvertently fire quite often has the potential of dissipating the anchor and rendering it useless. Unique triggers make better and longer lasting anchors.
Link to a state that is not complicated and can be completely re-experienced. If your subject wishes to create an anchor to feel confident in certain situations and she recalls a past event when she felt confident, but he was also confused as to your instructions, then the stimulus will generate a response that is a mixture of confidence and confusion. My advice is to ensure that you explain what to do first and bit by bit if need be.
Timing the trigger to happen just as the state is reaching its peak is ideal. As your subject recalls a time that she had a certain attribute (confidence in group setting), the feeling of confidence will begin to get stronger until it reaches a peak. Generally, the anchor should be applied when the response is about 75% to 90% of its peak and held until emotional state peaks. Depending on how fast your subject accesses their feelings, the anchor could be applied anywhere from a couple of seconds up to to 10 seconds. Applying the anchor long past the peak, can associate the weakening of state, or another state entirely. Do not worry about being absolutely perfect as numerous repetition will take care of slight variations. For those of you who who have the The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers, think back to when I wrote about using a Behaviorist conditioning process to developing a conditioned emotional response (CER). The exact timing of CER does not matter as much as it does when developing complex motor responses to stimulus. To train CERs, the ideal interval is 2-10 seconds. That is exactly the same interval for anchoring and repetition of pairing emotion to trigger will increase the conditioning of the anchor or CER.
The basic steps for anchoring are:
Have your client recall a past vivid experience for the state you are anchoring.
Apply a specific trigger as the state is reaching its peak.
Break state.
Test the anchor after three to five pairing. When you fire the trigger, does your client think of the state?
Repeating steps 1 - 3 several times will intensify the anchor and can make it stronger. This is called stacking an anchor.
The easiest states to anchor are the naturally occurring states. The best state to begin with is a vividly intense state.
If you wish to create an anchor for a specific state that you have never experienced, do you know someone that has that quality? Imagine stepping into that other person's shoes and taking on their physiology and feelings (this person can be real or imaginary). This highlights the potential use of inclusion trances paired with themed stories to do some of this work.
To begin anchoring simply follow the criteria from above and choose a past memory for your anchoring purposes. Follow the scrip below to create an anchor for yourself or with your subject:
Remember a specific time when you were really ( confident in a group ). Close your eyes and fully associate into that moment time, (putting yourself in the appropriate body - Use this if putting someone in someone else's body or identity), looking through your eyes, seeing what you saw, hearing what you heard and have the feelings of being really (confident in a group).
Have the subject nod their head, wiggle their finger, or say "peaking"
when they feel that state filling them up almost to almost as much as they can feel today.
You, as the MC, or hypnotist, should be using a voice tonality and volume that reflects the state the subject is accessing. To make an anchor really strong or to associate different resources to the same anchor, you can stack anchors; that is you repeat the anchoring process several times by eliciting several occurrences of the same or different states and anchor them in the same place.
Have the subject pick another memory that they were confident in a group. This time the speed of going through this process should be faster.
To reinforce (or build up) an anchor, you can either on a regular basis repeat the process you used to establish the anchor or if you notice you are naturally experiencing the state that you desire then fire the trigger to enhance the anchor.
To maintain an anchor, it should only be fired when desired and have regular reinforcement. If there are many misfires the state can be linked to other states, weakened, or even extinguished.
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StartFragmentYou can do this with the same memory, or with different memories for the same emotional state (recommended). If you stack 3-4 different memories of confident in a group, the next time you need confidence you can fire off your anchor and you’ll feel a intense rush of confidence surging through you. EndFragment
States for stacking anchors example
To stack anchors elicit several events of the states and anchor them in the same place. This is all that a stack anchor is. One stacked on top of another. The state chosen for a particular stacked anchor can be the same or different.
When chaining anchors the states used for each stack of anchors should be the same. For example, the stack of anchors on the thumb are all confidence in a group. The index finger has a stack of anchors that are humorous. The middle finger has a stack of anchors for energy that made you feel like you could keep going and going. The ring finger has a stack of anchors that make you feel like you could have anything that you really want. The pinky finger has a stack of anchors of feeling totally loved. Finally your palm will have a stack of anchors of when you felt powerful.

To fire this stacks of anchors off I would have thumb touch thumb, index finger touch index finger, and so on. To fire them all off you could steep your hands for all your fingers could touch and press your palms together rubbing up and down as if cold.
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StartFragmentThe more times you stack an anchor, the better. Like many things in life, the more effort you put in, the better you’ll do. My recommendation would be to spend 30 minutes setting anchors and make this part of a story. Even if you don't, I have found the process of doing this very engaging for everyone involved. When you spend the time and do repetition you’ll have an incredibly powerful anchor set. If you don't have 30 minutes to to do this, then you’ll be pleased to know that doing an anchor just a few times is enough to get results. Not rock to the moon results, but results nonetheless.
Collapsing Anchors
Suppose you didn't like the placement of the powerful stack of anchors on the palm of the hand. You could move that anchor to the subject's knee. You can do this by instructing the move in trance and then practicing a few repetitions and pairing new events with this stack.
What if you want to collapse an anchor? It's simple. Create an opposite stack of anchor, or a neutralizing anchor, and build the intensity up on it. That neutralizing anchor must be in another place and is often called the negative anchor. The anchor on the palm being the one you wish to remove would be the positive anchor. The labels of positive and negative are referring to two opposing charges that cancel each other out if brought together. All the guidelines you learned about anchors still apply. For the sake of location let's say this neutralizing anchor is the tip of your nose. If we want to collapse the powerful anchor on the palm of the hand then picking the opposite state of powerlessness will work. So will picking a state of uncertainty. For this example let's pick uncertainty.
Make sure that the subject is in a fully associated, intense, and congruent in each state that you have stacked anchors on. Then have the subject think of a time or event where you want to replace feeling powerful in. Associate them into the memory or event. Then fire off the uncertainty anchor.
Ask the subject how it felt. It should feel confusing and uncertain as the newly paired anchor is associated into the experience of the event.
Now do or talk about something else for a moment. If we want to replace the anchor in the event with this new anchor we would simply continue pairing it with repetition.
Have the subject think of a time or event where you want to replace feeling powerful in. Associate them into the memory or event. Then fire anchors at the same time until they peak. Release the trigger on their nose but hold the trigger on their palm for at least five seconds longer. Remember when I told you that applying an anchor long past the peak, can associate the weakening of state, or another state entirely. Watch the subject, they will visibly exhibit signs of conflicting states until the integration is complete.
Now test your work. Let the subject process this for a few moments then ask them how they feel. Future pace the subject into another event similar to the one in the past. Ask them how it feels. Most people say that this pattern feels strangely good.
If you'd like replace the anchor that has just been collapsed. Again, collapsing an anchor is canceling one out by running two emotions into each other. bringing these two opposing states into each other within the neurology creates a strange unsettling reaction within the subject, resulting in temporary confusion, disorientation, or even light amnesia, after which the negative state is canceled out by the positive state. This pattern is also called integrating anchors in some circles.
Please recognize that I have not chosen another state to replace the one on the palm of the hand. Doing so is not needed. My advise is caution as you use these techniques. Use the Collapsing Anchors pattern when you want to rid yourself or your subject of unwanted thoughts or states that seem to arise at just the wrong time. When this pattern is done effectively the two opposing states should effortlessly melt into each other all by itself.
Joseph W Crown
Enjoy your toys and give the gift of Mind Control to those deserving few. You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at Paperback Version
Seek with your passion, and seek with your spirit. We are all unknowing seekers that brings with us stories that has described the past. To live with mind controllers you must be accepted as their tribe, learn their dance, and never forget that this is but another hat to wear. Subscribers of The Tao of The Crown, will be randomly offered goodies not released to the public. Have you signed up? Have you submitted to the Monthly Essay Contest to win a free copy of The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers. If you missed it you can get more information from the link below. Seeking Community Voices of Mind Controllers and the subjects that love that control. Find out more about this here You can find The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers live on amazon at Paperback Version
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