I'm looking for Master Hypnotists, Mind Controllers, and their subjects who have something to say. Share your knowledge related to the topics in The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers and your MP3 audio commentary could be selected to be in this ebook.
I'm looking to build community and I'm looking to showcase the art my fellow MCs and Hypno Gurus bring to the table. The information I'm sharing with you is designed to be shaped with how you live and express your art. I want MCs to introduce themselves, what they are interested in, and tell the world how you express yourself in relation to the concepts of the Crown Control System.
If you are a subject who wishes to participate you can share what it feels like to be controlled and how that control is expressed through you.
To participate in this community commentary do the following:
1. Send me an email with the file(s) and the page number that your commentary corresponds with.
2. State that you are an MC or a subject.
I will let you know if your submission fits with the text and the tone of the book. crownhouseone@gmail.com
Submit your MP3 commentary today and take a seat at the table of this emerging Mind Controllers Community.
Have you submitted to the Monthly Essay Contest to win a free copy of The Tao of Relationship Maintenance for Mind Controllers. If you missed it you can get more information from the link below.
You can find the book live on amazon at www.amazon.com/dp/B01MPZQ7SL
Joseph W Crown crownhouseone@gmail.com www.taoofthecrown.com
Join us at the Tao of the Crown Facebook Discussion Group